Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ordinary Moments.

A few weeks ago, I saw this YouTube video on Facebook from a mom who wrote a book called "The Gift of an Ordinary Day."  It got me thinking.  And, I cannot stop thinking of the message about how much we miss those ordinary moments once they are gone.  Then, the unthinkable happened this past week.  While on spring break, a family from our community had their 4 year old drowned in a pool on a cruise ship.  He was resuscitated after being unresponsive for 20 to 30 minutes.  The mom had turned her head for just a moment, just a moment to get some sunscreen out of her bag.  That moment most likely leaves her with no more ordinary moments with her 4 year old.

I took Colin to the doctor on Monday for his 11 year check-up.  We were handed the usual development forms and a book on growing up for boys.  As we waited for the doctor, we started reading the book together.  The book talked mostly about sex.  Colin's face was the shade of a ripe tomato, but he talked with me nonetheless.  Then as we left the doctor's office, he put his hand in mine and rested his head on my arm in the elevator.  Selfishly, I want a million more of those ordinary moments.  I don't want to let him get any older.  I don't want him to pull away from me any more.

I just continued to think about this mom who watches over her little boy in a hospital bed.  I can only imagine the stress she was under to get three kids packed and ready for a trip like this.  Does everyone have shorts that fit?  Do you need a new pair of flip flops?  Do we have enough sun screen?  I would have been grumpy for weeks while I prepared.  And then there is the stress of getting to the airport.  The stress of getting luggage and finding a taxis.  The stress of checking in at a busy sea port.  All the while your kids just keep asking when they can go swimming.  You get frustrated with them because can't they see how hard this is on you?  So many steps to go through and then we can swim.  This mom gets through all of that; and then, before she can even enjoy the fruits of her labor, the accident happens.  Instead of dining with Mickey, she finds herself in a hospital room praying.  And I would think that if it were me, I would just wish for one of those moments back where my kids were driving me crazy.  Just one moment where their enthusiasm was more than I could handle.  (I realize this mom is not me...and from the sound of their caring bridge posts, they are much less frazzled parents than I am, but I have to imagine there is a bit of longing in her heart to just go back in time for even a moment).

I am planning Colin's birthday party now.  And as wonderful as big events are in our lives, it really is those ordinary moments that mean the most.  My favorites are:
A little hand in mine
Stopping in the middle of a parking lot to stare at a bug
A little body pressed against mine, hoping that takes the scary dreams away
The conversations in the car on the way to nowhere in particular
A head on my chest or a hug just because
Games and games of Zingo or Hulabaloo
Indoor picnic lunches in January
Preschool concerts
Little boys who think they really are R2D2 or Darth Vader
Little ones who tell me their hopes and dreams
Popsicle mustashes
Chubby feet running away from me
Diaper butts in feety pjs
The smell of Johnson's Baby Shampoo in the hair of someone sitting on your lap
Being asked to read "Good Night Moon" one more time
The magic of band-aids
Listening to my boys discuss their video game strategies

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