Thursday, August 29, 2013

The First Day of School

The first day of school is full of excitement for the chance at a new year, a new class of friends, a new teacher, and a clean slate.  But the first day of school also brings with it a bunch of expectations, or as my kids’ teachers call it, hopes and dreams.  My kids always hope for good grades, lots of friends and usually to learn something new.  I always hope to keep organized, stay on top of homework and planners, and not to be late with anyone anywhere.  On that very first day, with freshly pointed pencils and clean, crisp folders, it all seems possible.  This will be the best year ever we tell ourselves.

My kids have had their first day of school.  Monday, we all woke early with excitement.  Of course it was 100 degrees and there was no air conditioning in the school, so the outfits we had worked so hard to purchase during the cool August afternoons in the shopping center were left hanging in the closet.  We donned our least grubby summer clothes in hopes they would do.  Then we packed backpacks with healthy snacks and cold water bottles to help make it through the hot afternoon temperatures.  The possibilities for perfection were still lofty as we headed out the door.

Colin leaves first, at 6:45 AM.  He catches a bus several blocks away from home to the middle school.  After a few quick snaps of him dressed and ready to go, he headed off to the bus stop…alone.  He didn’t need me to get him anywhere.  As I watched him head down the street, my heart ached.  Where did the time go?  His orange shirt disappeared from view along with my control over every aspect of his life (in fairness, I started loosing that control the day he entered his preschool classroom.  but, now it feels really gone).

Then the middle and little ones woke, dressed and ate quickly in a flurry of excitement.  They spent the next 90 minutes asking if it was time to go yet.  Molly was especially excited to FINALLY be a grader (in a year that ends in “grade” instead of “school” or “garten”).  I was excited because on this first day I would get to drive them to school, take a photo outside of the building, and walk Molly to class for maybe the last time.  But, the peaceful drive was interrupted by Molly observation of my route change to school.  I had not chosen the fastest route and this bothered her enough to mention it several times during our 7 minute drive.  Once at school, Zach did not want to me to stop him outside of school for a picture.  It would be embarrassing from someone to see him smiling outside of the school during drop off.  Once inside, Molly did not need me to walk her to class because she already knows the way.  Where does the time go?  My hopes and dreams for a new school year filled with memories WITH my kids were tarnished by 9 AM.  I guess I will have to settle for dreams of memories FOR my kids.

Now we are on day three and all the hopes for a perfect year are out the window.  I forgot to unpack the lunches the night before so there are no ice packs to keep the lunches cold in the 100-degree heat.  I forgot to check the planners so homework did not get done; and I got to spend all morning arguing with Zach about how important it is do practice math.  I was late to pick up kids from school.  I fed them donuts for a snack instead of something healthy.  I made sandwiches for dinner so they wouldn’t complain about having to eat something they don’t like.  Reality only took three days; and I find myself longing for summer vacation once again.

From the kids’ perspective…
Colin loves middle school.  He especially loves that lunch has ala cart options so he can finally get enough food to eat during the day.  He has friends in every class and likes all his teachers.  He is excited with the responsibility that middle school provides and has risen to the challenge.  His hopes and dreams are still intact.

Zach dreams of being the best in his grades and in PE class.  His class from last year grew to 40 students and was divided in two.  He was bummed to learn the kids with whom he competed, especially in PE, are in the other class.  But, this does increase his chances of being the best! 

Molly LOVES school.  She has a great teacher and many friends in her class, including her good friend Kate, from last year, and Lucy, Zach’s buddy’s sister.  Every day we hear “Mrs. Lind says X,” or “Did you know X, Mrs. Lind told us that.”   Mrs. Lind is the best teacher and Molly is lucky to have her.  Her year promises to be full of adventure and fun, which should fulfill her hopes and dreams.

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